RTCCMC Breaches of Company Law

A member resolution to review the solicitor RTCCMC uses (Foot Anstey), backed by at least 20 members was refused and subsequently ignored by the RTCCMC in breach of Company law. The resolution should have been put to members at the 2024 RTCCMC AGM held in March.

It has been suggested that the same solicitor was consulted about the resolution, the same solicitor also gained over £20,000 of new work from Director resolutions put forward at the AGM.

RTCCMC members stated they had concerns at the excessive amounts of Company money being spent with them and that their services were not delivering value for money to members.

When members looked at reviews for the solicitors the Directors insist on using, they were shocked at how bad they were.

The reviews can be read here. Foot Anstey Reviews.